This glossary of terms intends to provide the TESDA key players, partners, and stakeholders an online and updated TVET information, concepts, to bring common understanding and clarification on the use of TESDA terminologies.

Assessment Method
a technique used in gathering different types of evidence to evaluate a candidate for a particular qualification.
Source: -
Assessment Moderation

the process of establishing comparability of judgments of standards of candidate’s performance across different assessors, assessment center and venues, in order to ensure that assessment is valid, reliable and fair.

Source: TESDA Implementing Guidelines on PTQCS
Assessment Package
a set of assessment materials that are used in the assessment process.  It consists of the following:  1)  Assessor's Guide; 2) Specific instructions to the Candidates;  3)  Rating Sheet;  and 4)  Portfolio Assessments Results Summary
Source: TESDA Circular No. 059, s. 2020
Assessment Process
the step by step procedure in conducting assessment gathering of evidence or information to determine competence.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 059, s. 2020
Assessment Tool
the materials containing both the instrument and the instructions for gathering and interpreting evidence
Source: TESDA Circular No. 059, s. 2020 the method for the gathering of evidence for assessment, such as a knowledge test or a checklist of practical performance.
Source: Wahba 2013
Assessment Verification
the process of reviewing assessment procedures, instruments, and results to enhance the implementation of assessment and address post-assessment appeals
Source: TESDA Circular No. 059, s. 2020 the process of checking the validity of information and records relevant to assessment procedures and instruments for certification or post-appeal.
Source: QSO

an accredited individual authorized to evaluate or assess the competencies of a candidate (person) applying for certification.

Source: TESDA Implementing Guidelines on PTQCS
Assessor's Guide
a set of documents which contains information that will assist the assessor in evidence gathering process
Source: TESDA Circular No. 059, s. 2020
Assistive Technology (AT)
is any item, piece of equipment, software program, or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of persons with disabilities.
Source: Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA), 2018
Asynchronous eLearning
refers to the learner-centered process which uses online learning resources to facilitate information sharing regardless of the constraints of time and place among a network of people.
Source: Shahabadi and Uplane, 2015, TESDA Circular No. 104 s. 2019

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