This glossary of terms intends to provide the TESDA key players, partners, and stakeholders an online and updated TVET information, concepts, to bring common understanding and clarification on the use of TESDA terminologies.
Batang TESDA! TESDA Best! |
an award given to the candidate who is currently employed in a field related to the TVET course he/she earned.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 014 s. 2021 |
Benchmarking |
process of comparing an organization’s or company’s best practices to that of other organizations or companies using objective and subjective criteria. The process compares programs and strategic positions of competitors of exemplary organizations to those in the company reviewing its status for use as reference points in the formation of organization decisions and objectives. Comparing how an organization or company performs a specific activity with methods of a competitor or some other organization doing the same thing is a way to identify the best practice and to learn how to lower costs, reduce defects, increase quality, or improve outcomes linked to organization or company excellence.
Source: Business Encyclopedia |
Beneficiaries |
are eligible scholars enrolled/granted TVET scholarship (e.g. UAQTEA or STEP).
Source: TESDA Circular No. 064 s.2021; TESDA Circular No. 092 s. 2019 |
Best Practice |
management practices and work processes that lead to outstanding or top-class performance and provide examples for others.
Source: UNEVOC/NCVER 2009 |
Best Regional Office (BRO) Award |
an award given to the TESDA Regional Office that excelled in the effective supervision, coordination, integration and implementation and monitoring of TVET programs within their region. It shall also be in line with TESDA's commitment and thrust as a quality-assured and corrupt-free organization.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 047 s. 2021 |
Best Training Institution Award |
an award given to the TESDA Training Institution that excelled in the effective administration and implementation of TVET programs offered by their training institution.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 047 s. 2021 |
Bilateral Agreement / Bilateral Technical Assistance Program | are program offerings under bilateral and multilateral agreements, various technical cooperation programs, including special programs. Some of these programs are organized through Foreign Scholarship Training Program (FSTP) under Executive Order No. 402. Source: TESDA-OP-AS-01, as cited in TESDA Circular No. 038, s. 2024 |
Bilateral Cooperation/Agreement |
is an agreement signed between two countries in an effort to share resources in an area of common interests.
Source: |
Biometric-Enabled Scholarship Registration System (BSRS) | refers to the online registration system that incorporates facial recognition biometric technology in the implementation of the TESDA Scholarship Programs involving the processes of learner registration, attendance monitoring, administration of training/assessment, and reporting Source: TESDA Circular No. 004, s. 2024 |
Blended eLearning |
the refers to a learning or training event or activity where e-Learning, in its various forms, is combined with more traditional forms of training such as classroom training.
Source: Ryu, Hikyoung and Parsons, David, Innovative Mobile Learning: Techniques and Technologies as cited in TESDA Circular No. 062 s. 2020 combination of multiple approaches to learning. Learning in a classroom situation may be blended with learning from Internet resources. Numerous combinations are possible. Source: Padolina, Sapala, and Westergaard, 2007 as cited in TESDA Circular No. 062 s. 2020 |
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