This glossary of terms intends to provide the TESDA key players, partners, and stakeholders an online and updated TVET information, concepts, to bring common understanding and clarification on the use of TESDA terminologies.


refers to a process that allows students to make the smooth transition from one (1) course, program, or education level to the next without experiencing duplication of learning.  The guiding principle of articulation is that no student should repeat the same course content for which credit has already been received, even if obtained elsewhere or from another institution.  In general, articulated programs provide multiple entry and exti points and ladders of learning opportunities and allows a student to move from a technical vocational course to college degree program, using the principle of credit transfer.  The accepting higher education institution has the right to assess the level and standard of competencies obtained by a student from a previously completed TVET program and to award credits subject to the institutional admission requirements

Source: IRR of the Ladderized Education Act of 2014 (RA No. 10647)
ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework (AQRF)
a common reference framework that enables comparisons of education qualifications across participating ASEAN Member States (AMS).
Source: AQRF Reference Guidelines 2016
ASEAN Quality Assurance Framework (AQAF)
refers to the quality assurance framework in higher education with regional identities where ASEAN countries could benchmark and align their quality assurance systems of higher education, and will serve as a common reference point for quality assurance agencies and higher education institutions as they strive towards harmonization amidst the diversity of higher education systems, cultures, and traditions within the region
Source: IRR of RA 10931, UAQTEA of 2017
a multi-sectoral/cross-sectoral body that provides a platform for coordination, research and development on innovations and monitoring of regional programmes that support the advancement of TVET in the region.
Source: TOR of the ASEAN TVET Council
Asia Pacific Accreditation and Certification Commission (APACC)
is an accreditation and certification of TVET institutions for higher technical and non-degree technical education, and vocational training in Asia and the Pacific region. It accomplishes its program and activities through a secretariat, APACC accreditors, in-country units headed by NCAs-NABs and TVET institutions in member-countries.
Source: APACC Manual
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is a regional economic forum that was established in 1989. This Cooperation is based on three pillars: trade and investment liberalization, business facilitation, and economic and technical cooperation.  Its membership comprises Australia; Brunei Darussalam; Canada; Chile; People’s Republic of China; Hong Kong, China; Indonesia; Japan; Republic of Korea; Malaysia; Mexico; New Zealand; Papua New Guinea; Peru; Philippines; Russia; Singapore; Chinese Taipei; Thailand; United States; and Viet Nam. It became the pre-eminent economic forum in the Asia-Pacific region, with its primary purpose to facilitate economic growth and prosperity in the region, and with the vision of creating a seamless regional economy. APEC pursues these objectives through trade and investment liberalization, business facilitation and economic and technical cooperation. APEC aims to strengthen regional economic integration by removing impediments to trade and investment “at the border”, enhancing supply chain connectivity "across the border" and improving the business environment "behind the border".
process of evaluating an individual’s knowledge, skills, attitudes (competencies) based on the predefined standards.
Source: -
Assessment and Certification
a program that aims to assess and certify the competencies of the middle-level skilled workers through the Philippine TVET Competency Assessment and Certification System.
Source: PTCACS a program that aims to assess and certify the competencies of the middle-level skilled workers through the Philippine TVET Competency Assessment and Certification System. (PTCACS) the process that seeks to determine whether the graduate or worker can perform to the standards expected in the workplace based on the defined competency standards. Certification is provided to those who meet the competency standards. This ensures the productivity, quality, and global competitiveness of the middle-level workers.
Source: FAQS on Assessment and Certification; TESDA Circular No. 001, s. 2020
Assessment Criteria
the standards used to guide learning and to assess learner achievement and/or to evaluate and certify competence.
Source: SAQA 2013, South Africa
Assessment Fee

as used in TESDA, this term means the amount charged to the examinees/candidates for the administration of competency assessment. It shall be based on the cost of supplies and materials as well as other administrative and technical expenses.

Source: TESDA Circular No. 23, s. 2008 – Implementing Guidelines on PTQCS

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