This glossary of terms intends to provide the TESDA key players, partners, and stakeholders an online and updated TVET information, concepts, to bring common understanding and clarification on the use of TESDA terminologies.

Certificate of Competency (CoC)
refers to a document issued by the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority to individuals who were assessed as competent in a single unit or cluster of related units of competencies.
Source: Section 4 of the National Assessment and Certification Arrangements of the Training Regulations
Certificate of Compliance To Industry Experience (CoCIE)
is an official document issued by TESDA Regional Director; specifying the credit assigned per specific qualification; as the acceptable evidence of in-service industry experience of trainers.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 7 s. 2016
Certificate of DS/DTP Accreditation

as used in TESDA, it refers to a document issued by TESDA granting an authority to a TVI and as its partner establishment to implement the DTS Program/DTP.

Source: TESDA Circular No. 31 s. 2012
Certificate of Program Recognition (CoPR)
refers to a document issued by TESDA to a concerned Technical Vocational Institution (TVI) as a manifestation that the registered institution-based program which the said institution is offering shifted to any of the flexible learning delivery modes and complied the necessary requirements.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 107, s. 2021 refers to a document issued by TESDA to a concerned Technical Vocational Institution (TVI) as a manifestation that the diploma which the said institution is offering is duly recognized by TESDA for pilot implementation or within the three-year transition period of the diploma program pursuant TESDA Circular No. 38 s. 2017.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 092 s. 2019
Certificate of Recognition (CoR)
refers to a document issued by TESDA to a concerned Technical Vocational Institution (TVI) as a manifestation that the registered institution-based program which the said institution is offering shifted to any of the flexible learning delivery modes and complied the necessary requirements.
Source: -
Certificate of Recognition for Bundled Program (CRBP)
refers to a document issued by TESDA to a concerned Technical Vocational Institution (TVI) as a manifestation that the Title of the Bundled Program which the said institution is offering is recognized and approved by TESDA for implementation
Source: TESDA Circular No. 107, s. 2021
Certificate of Recognition for Diploma Program (CRDP)
refers to a document issued by TESDA to a concerned Technical Vocational Institution (TVI) as a manifestation that the diploma which the said institution is offering is duly approved and recognized by TESDA for implementation
Source: TESDA Circular No. 107, s. 2021
Certificate of Recognition for Micro Credential Course/Program
refers to a document issued by TESDA to a concerned Technical Vocational Institution (TVI), company, or enterprise as manifestation that the Micro Credential Course/Program which the said institution is offering is recognized by TESDA for implementation
Source: OP on Program Registration, Rev. 01
Certificate of Supervised Industry Learning (SIL) Completion
refers to a document bearing the name and address of the institution where the learner is enrolled signed by the industry trainer-supervisor and the authorized HR personnel as proof of acquisition of competencies required in the workplace under the Supervised-Industry Learning (SIL) program. This certificate reflects the number of SIL training hours and the competencies acquired by the learner.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 018 s. 2023
Certificate of TVET Program Registration
refers to a document issued by TESDA to a concerned Technical Vocational Institution (TVI) as evidence that the TVET program which the said institution is offering complies with the minimum requirements or standards prescribed by TESDA.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 107, s. 2021

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