This glossary of terms intends to provide the TESDA key players, partners, and stakeholders an online and updated TVET information, concepts, to bring common understanding and clarification on the use of TESDA terminologies.

Shutdown Maintenance
maintenance that can be carried out while the item is out of order.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 59 s. 2017
Simple Transactions
refer to requests or applications submitted by clients of a government office or agency which only require ministerial actions on the part of the public officer or employee or that which present only inconsequential issues for the resolution by an officer or employee of the said government office.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 123 s. 2020
Site Capacity
capacity of the training and assessment venue, and not the maximum learners/candidates per batch.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 045 s. 2021
Skill Mismatch
a situation of imbalance in which the level or type of skills available does not correspond to Labor market needs.
Source: CEDEFOP 2014, Europe
Skill Recognition
the recognition, acknowledgment, or verification of skills and qualifications by educational institutions, professional bodies, employers, registration authorities, and other organizations.
Source: NCVER 2013
the acquired and practiced the ability to carry out a task or job.
Source: RA No. 7796, TESDA Law
Skills Anticipation
use of Labor market and skills information to predict and develop policy responses to future skills needs
Source: EU Commission (Skills panorama) 2015
Skills Competition
serves as a venue to recognize the skills excellence of young industry skilled workers and graduates of TVET institutions.
Source: -
Skills Competition Achievements
this refers to the level of participation of the individual in Skills Competition either as competitor, coach, sponsor, etc.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 21 s. 2016
Skills Development
the process through which learners and workers are systematically provided with learning opportunities to acquire upgrade, or both, their ability, knowledge and behavior pattern required as qualifications for a job or range of jobs in a given occupational area.
Source: RA No. 7796, TESDA Law

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