This glossary of terms intends to provide the TESDA key players, partners, and stakeholders an online and updated TVET information, concepts, to bring common understanding and clarification on the use of TESDA terminologies.

Student Support Services
refer to the availability of placement services (Job Linkaging and Networking Services), medical services, library services, guidance services (Career Advocates), and student council/association. The placement services can be attached to the Guidance Services program or unit that is a requirement in UTPRAS. The medical services can be a unit or can be a partnership with a nearby clinic or hospital.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 090 s. 2018
Study on The Employment of TVET Graduates (SETG)
a survey which aims to measure the relevance and effectiveness of TVET programs in terms of employment and other employment-related indicators of TVET graduates.
Source: -
is a part of a larger sector describing the engagement in the production of goods, services or ownership and all of the businesses active in the said sector e.g. Industry Sector - Electricity Gas and Water Supply (EGWS), Construction, Mining and Quarrying, and Manufacturing.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 070 s. 2019; TESDA Circular No. 38, s. 2023
Sub-State Assistance Council (Sub-SAC)
a sub-unit of the SAC to assist in each of the three levels of private education, i.e. secondary education, post-secondary vocational and technical education and higher education. It shall provide support and technical assistance particularly in the formulation of guidelines and criteria within the framework of GASTPE Law.
Source: RA 8545, GASTPE Law
Substantial Use
refers to when: (1) TESDA funds were used to specifically support the development of the Intellectual Property; (2) The work could not have been developed or created without using the facilities or resources of TESDA; or (3) Use of resources of TESDA that are not ordinarily available to most TESDA employees, trainers, and trainees/learners such as, but not limited to laboratories, equipment, and technical computer software.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 023 s. 2021
Substantially Equivalent
achieving outcomes that whilst not individually identical to those of standard or exemplar of that standard, taken cumulatively achieve the same overall outcome
Source: International Engineering Alliance - as referenced in TESDA Circular No. 150 s. 2020
Success Indicator
performance level yardsticks consisting of performance measures and performance targets.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 017 s. 2018
Summative Assessment

assessment that occurs at a point in time and is carried out to summarize achievement at that point in time. Often more structured than formative assessment, it provides teachers, students and parents with information on student progress and level of achievement (also called: Assessment of learning).

Source: NCVER (Australia), VOCEDplus: Glossary of VET. In TVETipedia Glossary, as cited in TESDA Circular No. 048, s. 2021
Supermarket of Competency

compilation of a broad range but a sector/industry directed competencies which are acquired and assemble through the inputs of various industry players during the process of Competency Standards (CS) development. This compilation of competencies gained recognition and endorsement in TVET through the confirmation of the industry associations and/or promulgation of the TESDA Board.

Source: TESDA Circular No. 024, s. 2021
Supervised Industry Learning (SIL)
refers to an approach in learning designed to complement the training gained in the institution with the intention of enhancing the knowledge and skills of a learner through the actual application of critical competencies in the workplace as identified in the Training Regulations. It is commonly used as synonymous for On-The-Job Training (OJT) and Supervised Industry Training (SIT), henceforth, for TVET, the term OJT and SIT will be replaced with SIL to focus on the Learner’s enhancement of critical competency in a workplace setting.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 089 s. 2019

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