This glossary of terms intends to provide the TESDA key players, partners, and stakeholders an online and updated TVET information, concepts, to bring common understanding and clarification on the use of TESDA terminologies.
Skills Intelligence |
the outcome of an expert-driven process of identifying, analyzing, synthesizing and presenting quantitative and/or qualitative skills and labor market information regarding the abilities of those within the workforce to do the jobs assigned to them
Source: CEDEFOP Skills Panorama Team, 2019 as cited in TVET Brief No.3, s. 2022 |
Skills Map |
contains information on the priority sectors and corresponding skills/job requirements based on secondary data like, PDP, industry roadmap, JobsFit, regional/provincial plan, among others. The requirements are analyzed based on the availability of corresponding TVET programs or the need to develop new programs as results of the industry validation/consultation.
Source: TESDA Circular 046 s. 2021 |
Skills Needs |
an identified competency gaps required to perform a job.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 58 s. 2016 |
Skills Needs Anticipation |
refers to the examination of labor markets and how jobs, skills, and learning needs are changing. It signals current and possible future skill mismatches and informs decisions on how to address them. It enables training providers, young people, policy-makers, employers and workers to make better educational and training choices, and through institutional mechanisms and information resources leads to improved use of skills and human capital development.
Source: Skills Anticipation: Looking into the Future Briefing Note, October 2017, Cedefop |
Skills Passport |
a record of the competencies possessed by a person and recognized through formal assessment.
Source: NCVER 2013 |
Skills Priorities |
list of skills considered critical to the growth of priority sectors and industries at the national, regional and provincial levels.
Source: - |
Skills Profiling |
the process of identifying the current skills of an individual and the required skills necessary to fulfill a task or activity. It also determines the appropriate training intervention to update or upgrade existing skills and/or to capacitate for additional skills needed for career shifts.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 074, s. 2020 |
Skills Utilization Rate |
the proportion (in percent) of employed graduates at the time of survey whose jobs are related to skills acquired to total employed graduates.
Source: TESDA Study on the Employability of TVET Graduates |
Skillspreneurship |
a program aims to introduce entrepreneurship to TESDA technical-vocational graduates to explore the path to entrepreneurship as a way to maximize their technical skills and promote family-based enterprises for employment generation
Source: (Building a Nation of Skills-Based Entrepreneurs by Kom Ferrer, 2018 |
Social Equity Program |
a program based on project concepts to ensure that rural employment generation is pursued in the communities.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 001 s. 2019 |
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