This glossary of terms intends to provide the TESDA key players, partners, and stakeholders an online and updated TVET information, concepts, to bring common understanding and clarification on the use of TESDA terminologies.

TESDA Board Resolution on Priority Skills
a document that indicates the approval of the TESD Board in declaring a skill /qualification as priority
Source: TESDA Circular No. 001, s. 2021
TESDA Circulars
these are issuances prescribing policies, rules, and regulations, and procedures promulgated pursuant to law, applicable to individuals and organizations outside TESDA and designed to supplement provisions of the law or to provide means for carrying them out, including related information.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 41 s. 2018
TESDA Development Fund (TDF)
a development fund established, to be managed/administered by TESDA, the income from which shall be utilized exclusively in awarding of grants and providing assistance to schools, training institutions, industries, local government units for upgrading their capabilities, and to develop and implement technical education and skills development programs.
Source: RA No., 7796, TESDA Law
TESDA Development Institute (TDI)
the training arm of TESDA Corporate.
Source: Memorandum No. 209, s. of 2020, TESDA-OP-AS-01
TESDA Merit Selection Plan
an established organizational outline of a systematic method of recruiting, selecting, promoting, and placing employees or promotion for advancement on the basis of qualification, fitness, and competencies to perform the duties and assume the responsibilities of the position to be filled.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 119, s. 2019
TESDA Online Program (TOP)
is an open educational resource that aims to make technical education more accessible to Filipino citizens through the use of information and communication technologies. TOP provides an effective and efficient way to deliver technical education and skills development services to a broader audience/wide range of users/all learners at a lesser cost.
Source: eTESDA
TESDA Orders
are issuances directed to particular offices or officials/employees concerning matters of national/TESDA-wide interest or of inter-office arrangements including but not limited to assignments, a delegation of authority, detail or transfer of personnel, creation of committees, and attendance of officials/employees to certain training programs and activities for observance and compliance by all concerned.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 41 s. 2018
TESDA Positions Qualification Standards
expresses the minimum requirements for TESDA unique positions in terms of experience, education, training, and appropriate civil service eligibility by the CSC.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 119, s. 2019
TESDA Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence (PRAISE)
the system design to encourage creativity, innovativeness, efficiency, integrity, and productivity in the public service by recognizing officials and employees.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 010 s. 2020
TESDA Representative
refers to an individual assigned by the Regional/Provincial Director to oversee the conduct of the assessment process and shall evaluate the performance of the assessors and prepare the assessment proceedings.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 051 s. 2021

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