This glossary of terms intends to provide the TESDA key players, partners, and stakeholders an online and updated TVET information, concepts, to bring common understanding and clarification on the use of TESDA terminologies.

defined as books, papers, maps, photographs or other documentary materials, regardless of physical form or characteristics that have been created or received by any agency of the Philippine government in pursuance of its law or in connection with the transaction of public business and has been preserved or appropriated for preservation by the agency or its legitimate successors as evidence of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations or other activities of the government because of the information value or data contained therein.
Source: Records Management Handbook
Records Controller
a person who is responsible for the proper collection, storage, protection, retention, and disposal of records.
Source: ISO 19011:2015
Recreational Learning
learning which is for personal development purposes, recreation, and leisure, undertaken to improve quality of life. Recreational learning can lead to vocational learning if the goals of learners in their chosen subject become work-oriented.
Source: EU Commission AL 2010, Europe
refers to the process of laying down the recruitment plan, sourcing applicants, and updating the pools of applicants for a specific vacancy.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 119, s. 2019
Recruitment Plan
a tool used for a systematized, efficient, and effective recruitment planning wherein vacancy, priority level, the target number of applicants per vacancy, sourcing strategy, and risk. Potential problems are specified.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 119, s. 2019
Regional Expert Panel
refers to an individual who serves as an Assessor of any qualifications, endorsed by his/her respective Regional Director (RD), and has undergone and successfully met the requirements of the Capability Building Program for REPM. He/She is an individual appointed by the Director General/Secretary as Assessor of the Trainers Methodology (TM) candidates and responsible for the conduct of assessment for TM in the region.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 051 s. 2021
Regional Expert Panel Member (REPM) for Trainer’S Methodology Assessment
is an individual who holds NTTC and Assessor of a qualification endorsed by their respective Regional Director (RD) and has undergone and successfully met the requirements of the Capability Building Program for REPM, responsible for conducting TM assessment in the region.
Source: -
Regional Lead Assessor (RLA)
is an individual who have practiced the trade for a number of years endorsed by their respective Regional Director (RD) and has undergone and successfully met the requirements of the Capability Building Program for Regional Lead Assessors, and shall undertake the task of assessing would-be trainers/assessors for the newly promulgated/amended TR in the Region.
Source: -
Regional Lead Trainer (RLT)
refers to a person who possesses the competencies of a new Training Regulation/Competency Standard and is responsible to plan, design and facilitate multiplier skills training on the Training Regulation/Competency Standard in their respective regions
Source: TESDA Circular 101, s. 2021
Regional Office Technical Support Officer for TM II Virtual Assessment
refers to a TESDA Personnel who provides IT related technical support to the Regional Office to facilitate the conduct of virtual assessment. He/She also provides guidance and technical support to the TTI Technical Support Officer.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 051 s. 2021

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