This glossary of terms intends to provide the TESDA key players, partners, and stakeholders an online and updated TVET information, concepts, to bring common understanding and clarification on the use of TESDA terminologies.

(education program) A coherent set or sequence of educational activities designed and organized to achieve pre-determined learning objectives or accomplish a specific set of educational tasks over a sustained period. Within an education program, educational activities may also be grouped into sub-components variously described in national contexts as 'courses', 'modules', 'units', and/or 'subjects'. A program may have major components nor normally characterize as courses, units, or modules, for example, play-based activities, periods of work experience, research projects, and the preparation of dissertations.
Source: ISCED 2011
Program Accreditation
refers to the process leading to a formal recognition granted by an authorized accrediting agency to an institution’s program as possessing certain standards of quality as defined by the accreditation agency.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 7 s. 2016 a process for assessing and evaluating whether or not the educational delivery system and the program meet specified standards of educational quality.
Source: (Philippine Technological Council-Certification and Accreditation System for Engineering Education
Program Cycle (in the context of PQF Level 5, Diploma Programs)

one program cycle is composed of three years, the first year starting with the year indicated in the Certificate of Recognition for Diploma Program

Source: TESDA Circular No. 039, s. 2024
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
are broad statements that describe what graduates are expected to achieve in their professional or career practice there to five years after graduation. Program educational objectives are based on the needs of the program’s constituencies.
Source: Philippine Technological Council-Certification and Accreditation System for Engineering Education
Program Learning Outcomes

refers to competencies that the learner should be able to articulate after the completion of a training program.  These competencies are related to knowledge, skills, and attitudes aligned with PQF Level 5 descriptors, 21st Century Skills, and the graduate attributes of an Engineering Technologist based on the Sydney Accord.

Source: TESDA Circular No. 38, s,. 2017
Program Migration
refers to the process of re-registering a With Training Regulation (WTR) program to conform to the requirements of an amended Training Regulations. It also covers the registration of a previously registered No Training Regulations (NTR) program to the appropriate Training Regulations that covers it.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 7 s. 2016
Program on Accelerating Farm School Establishment (PAFSE)

refers to the program which establishes Agri-fishery Farm Schools, which are agricultural enterprises that conduct skills training in an actual farm for individuals in rural areas. The farm schools capacitate farmers, fisherfolks, and their relatives with appropriate knowledge, skills and attitude in increasing the farm productivity thru technology updates and entrepreneurial activities, thus improving their economic status in life. At the same time, it provides additional income to farm school operators. In some cases, scholarship grants are provided to assist the farm owners in building the capability and capacity of their farms to increase productivity.

Source: TESDA Circular No. 56, s. 2016; FA0 (2012). Farm Schools: Key Tool for Sustainable Agriculture, as cited in Memorandum No. 332, s. 2024
Program Re-Registration
refers to the re-evaluation of registration documents submitted by a TVI subject to the same requirements and procedures in program registration for the issuance of a new CTPR due to any of the following conditions: a) Program migration; and b) Transfer of the TVI in another region.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 107, s. 2021
Program Recognition (in the context of micro-credentialing)

refers to the process by which a unit or cluster of competencies (CoCs) of registered TVET programs are recognized as a Micro-Credential Course

Source: TESDA Circular No. 077, s. 2024
Program Registration
refers to the process by which TVET programs are registered with TESDA. It is the first stage of the Unified TVET Program Registration and Accreditation System (UTPRAS). Applying for program registration indicates the intent of the institution to offer TVET programs.
Source: TESDA Circular 107, s. 2021

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