This glossary of terms intends to provide the TESDA key players, partners, and stakeholders an online and updated TVET information, concepts, to bring common understanding and clarification on the use of TESDA terminologies.

refers to an individual, agency, or organization that has submitted a research proposal to TESDA for funding.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 61 s. 2018
Provincial/Regional Skills Priorities
list of critical skills in identified priority sectors classified by province/region.
Source: -
Provisional In-Company Trainer
refers to a worker currently employed in the company with technical skills and teaching skills, who conducts training for workers and enterprise-based learners recognized by TESDA
Source: TESDA Circular No. 089, s. 2021
Provisional National Trainer Certificate (Provisional NTTC)
the certificate issued to the Trainer who is a holder of a National Certificate (NC) appropriate to the training program being handled but not lower than NC II and Trainers Methodology Certificate (TMC) level I but with incomplete industry work experience as may be provided in Section 3 of the respective Training Regulation.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 071 s. 2019
Provisional Work Permit (PWP)
refers to a work permit issued by the Bureau of Immigration (BI) which allows foreign nationals to engage in work pursuant to an employment arrangement pending issuance of the AEPs or for those with valid AEPs but pending approval of work visa either the 9g or 9d visa.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 124, s. 2019
Proxy Candidate
refers to an individual who acted/served in place of another in the conduct of competency assessment.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 134, s. 2019
PSALM Approach
an acronym for a planning approach developed and adopted by TESDA which stands for Policy-oriented, Sector-focused, Area-based, Labor Market-driven approach. It is used in generating labor market information on priority sectors and critical skills, vital for TESD planning and decision making.
Source: -
Public Authority
any government entity created by the Constitution or law, and vested with law enforcement or regulatory authority and functions.
Source: TESDA Data Privacy Manual version 1.0 s. 2020
Publicly Offered Programs
these are programs organized/implemented by private and public institutions and/or associations and made accessible to interested participants or agencies.
Source: Memorandum No. 209, s. of 2020; TESDA-OP-AS-01
refers to a package of competencies describing a particular function or job role existing in an economic sector, covering the work activities required to undertake a particular job. Depending on the breadth, depth and scope of competency, a qualification may fall under National Certificate levels I, II, III, IV or Diploma.  A National Certificate is a full qualification while a Certificate of Competency is leading to a qualification.  It also refers to a formal certification that a person has successfully achieved specific learning outcomes relevant to the identified academic, industry or community requirements. A qualification confers official recognition of value in the labor market and in further education and training.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 107, s. 2021

refers to a formal certification that a person has successfully achieved specific learning outcomes relevant to the identified academic, industry, or community requirements.  A qualification confers official recognition of value in the labor market and in further education and training

Source: Philippine Qualifications Framework Act (RA 10968)

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