This glossary of terms intends to provide the TESDA key players, partners, and stakeholders an online and updated TVET information, concepts, to bring common understanding and clarification on the use of TESDA terminologies.
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) |
any business activity or enterprise engaged in industry, agri-business and/or services that has an asset size (less land) of up to Php100 million and an employment size with less than 200 employees.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 024 s. 2021 |
Micro-Credential | refers to certified achievements of a learning outcome which is based on a coherent set of skills and knowledge and have distinct value in the workforce or professional needs. the set of skills and knowledge are specified in units or clusters of competencies in TRs/CS converted into learning outcomes in the curriculum and assessed through institutional and/or national assessment (as CoCs or NCs) Source: OP on Program Registration, Rev. 01 a record of focused learning achievement that verifies what the learner knows, understands, or can do. It meets the standards required by relevant quality assurance frameworks and offers flexibility, making it stackable and targeted toward specific competencies that can be assessed and verified. It includes assessment based on clearly defined standards and is awarded by a trusted provider. A micro-credential holds standalone value but can also contribute to or complement other micro-credentials or macro-credentials, including through the recognition of prior learning Source: UNESCO 2022, as cited in TESDA Circular No. 077, s. 2024 |
Micro-Credential Course/Program |
refers to industry-recognized and/or qualification-related skill-specific training and certification shorter in coverage compared to a full qualification or TESDA-prescribed cluster units of competency the curriculum of a micro-credential course does not require the inclusion of basic and common competencies
Source: NITESD |
Mid-Program Guidance Interventions |
activities that may be integrated into the curriculum and executed within the training program duration, which shall cover the emotional, social, physical, and mental abilities windows of the framework. The institutions shall ensure the alignment of the various earning activities/performances of the different windows of the framework to the basic, common, and core competencies of the qualification
Source: TESDA Circular No. 053, s. 2023 |
Middle-Level Manpower |
who have acquired practical skills and knowledge through formal and non-formal education and training equivalent to at least a secondary education but preferably a post-secondary education with a corresponding degree or diploma; or skilled workers who have become highly competent in their trade or craft as attested by industry
Source: RA No. 7796, TESDA Law |
Middle-Level Skilled Manpower |
those who have acquired practical skills and knowledge through formal, non-formal and informal education and training to at least a secondary education but preferably a post-secondary education with a corresponding degree or diploma; or skilled workers who have become highly competent in their trade or craft as attested by industry.
Source: RA No. 7796, TESDA Law |
Midyear Term |
refers to a short-term and scheduled after the Second Semester and before the First Semester of the succeeding academic year. The Midyear term used to be referred to as the "Summer" term.
Source: UP Cebu University Office of the Registrar and Student Council as cited in TESDA Circular No. 021, s. 2023 |
Migrant |
a person who moved from one geographical or political area (country, region, province, city, municipality) to another involving a change of usual residence during a specified period of observation for a reason such as economic, social, political, and cultural.
Source: PSA |
Migration |
a multidimensional phenomenon that the academic and policy literature usually works with classifications of migrants such as their destination, duration, reasons and choice. Macro-level theories discuss structural phenomena such as push and pull factors. These include economic (e.g. employment), political (e.g. war or persecution), environmental or social factors
Source: Waldinger (quoted in Langthaler & Gündüz, 2020 as cited in TVET Brief No. 2, s. 2021 |
Miscellaneous Fee for TVET |
refers to "other school fees" that cover the following services: Accident insurance - all-purpose student insurance to covers in-campus and off-campus activities; Access to library/learning resource center collections; School ID card; Medical and dental services; and Student support services such as career guidance and job linkages for graduating learners.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 60 s. 2018 |
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