This glossary of terms intends to provide the TESDA key players, partners, and stakeholders an online and updated TVET information, concepts, to bring common understanding and clarification on the use of TESDA terminologies.

refers to any visible sign capable of distinguishing the goods (trademark) or services (service mark) of an enterprise and shall include a stamped or marked container of goods as defined under the IP Code, as amended, and other related laws.
Source: Sec. 38, R.A. No. 166a, RA No. 8293, as amended
Massive Open Online Courses
an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web.
Source: Kaplan & Haenlein, 2016 In addition to traditional course materials such as filmed lectures, readings, and problem sets, many MOOCs provide interactive courses with user forums to support community interactions among students, professors and teaching assistants (TAs) as well as immediate feedback to quick quizzes and assignments. MOOCs are a recent and widely researched development in distance education which were first introduced in 2006 and emerged as a popular mode of learning in 2012.
Source: Pappano, 2012
Medical and Dental Fees
refer to all fees intended for health services provided to the learners including physical, dental, and mental health assessment, examination, and treatment in the institution to ascertain that the learner is physically and mentally fit and does not have any contagious diseases.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 60 s. 2018
Membership Affiliation
refers to accomplishments/ contributions/ positions occupied in the community relative to his/her line of work.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 21 s. 2016
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)

an experienced professional, normally outside the individual's direct reporting line, who provides the individual with advice, guidance, and support in his or her technical and personal development. The mentor has the added responsibility of acting as a liaison between line personnel and the individual when there is an issue or grievance that affects the training and development process.
teaching and training personnel.
Source: ILO a long term, relationship-oriented approach in developing employees by providing support and expertise in learning skills.
Source: Memorandum No. 209, s. of 2020; TESDA-OP-AS-01 the act or process of helping and giving advice to a younger or less experienced person, especially in a job or at school
Source: Cambridge Dictionary, cited in TESDA Circular No. 089, s. 2021
it means to be deserving of or to deserve appointment or promotion because of qualifications, competence, and personal suitability.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 119, s. 2019
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
any business activity or enterprise engaged in industry, agri-business and/or services that has an asset size (less land) of up to Php100 million and an employment size with less than 200 employees.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 024 s. 2021
refers to the certification of achievement of a coherent set of skills and knowledge; smaller than a qualification
Source: NZQA, 2019 refers to a certification of assessed learning that is additional, alternate, complementary to or a formal component of a formal qualification
Source: AQF, 2019

refers to certified achievements of a learning outcome which is based on a coherent set of skills and knowledge and have distinct value in the workforce or professional needs. the set of skills and knowledge are specified in units or clusters of competencies in TRs/CS converted into learning outcomes in the curriculum and assessed through institutional and/or national assessment (as CoCs or NCs)

Source: OP on Program Registration, Rev. 01

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