This glossary of terms intends to provide the TESDA key players, partners, and stakeholders an online and updated TVET information, concepts, to bring common understanding and clarification on the use of TESDA terminologies.

the process of acquiring knowledge, attitudes, or skills from a study, instruction, or experience.
Source: -
Learning Activities
major activities the student will perform to accomplish the learning outcomes of a training program.
Source: -
Learning Culture
an environment in which opportunities for learning are openly valued and supported and are built, where possible, into all activities.
Source: Wahba 2013
Learning Facilitator
as used in TESDA, refers to a TVET Trainer.
Source: -
Learning Institution
a place where people of different ages gain an education and is connected with study and thinking. This includes the Technical and Vocational Institutions (TVIs), TESDA Administered Schools (TAS), State Universities and Colleges (SUCs)/ Local Universities and Colleges (LUCs) or Higher Education Institutions (HEls).
Source: TESDA Circular No. 038 s. 2023
Learning Losses
any specific or general loss of knowledge and skills or to reversals in academic progress, most commonly due to extended gaps or discontinuities in a student’s education
Source: UKFEIT, 2020 as cited in TVET Brief No. 1, s. 2022
Learning Management System (LMS)

refers to the software-based platform that facilitates the management, delivery, and measurement of an organization’s corporate e-learning programs.

Source: Powell, 2018 as cited in TESDA Circular No. 104 s. 2019
Learning Outcomes
are clear statements of what a learner can be expected to know, understand, and/or do as a result of a learning experience. 
Source: IRR of RA No. 10968 statements of what the individual learner knows, understands and can do on completion of a learning process. They are also used in PQF to describe the level of individual qualification.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 090, s. 2021
Learning Poverty
the inability of children to read and understand age-appropriate text - specifically text found in stories and other similar publications, as opposed to simple words or phrases
Source: World Bank, 2021 as cited in TVET Brief No. 4, s. 2022
Learning Resource Area

refers to the area that provides the learner with the knowledge requirements in the various modules responding to the competencies.  It is also a place where projects can be planned and self-paced learning is based.  This area has an array of learning materials in print or non-print for a multimedia environment

Source: CBLM Plan Training Session, as cited in TESDA Circular No. 039, s.2024

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