Inaguration of TESDA Sorsogon

THE TRAINING-CUM-PRODUCTION: After the launching and turnover program in the remote town of Prieto Diaz, Sorsogon, Secretary Joel Villanueva flew in to Sorsogon City to lead in the ...

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Prieto Diaz Ecotourism Launch & Turnover

STRENGTH IN PARTNERSHIP FOR INCLUSIVE GROWTH: Secretary Joel Villanueva was in the historic Prieto Diaz, Sorsogon for the launching of LGU-Prieto Diaz-TESDA

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Honda and TESDA Partnership

TURNOVER: TESDA with the San Francisco Institute of Science and Technology (SFIST) in Malilipot, Albay forged partnership with Honda Philippines. The partnership begun in 2008 when SFIST sent Automotive Servicing and ...

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Sec Joel In Bicol

ARRIVAL, COURTESY CALLS AND PRESS CONFERENCE, Bicol Day 1: Secretary Joel Villanueva gets a warm reception in Bicolandia upon arrival. Sec Joel was in Bicol region for a series of TESDA activities in the area and was accompanied by Albay Governor, .....

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