This glossary of terms intends to provide the TESDA key players, partners, and stakeholders an online and updated TVET information, concepts, to bring common understanding and clarification on the use of TESDA terminologies.

In-Company Trainers
refers to all trainers/ workers/ or any other personnel, whose work involves training/ teaching/ or mentoring other personnel. In-Company training in such sense is not restricted to in-company training as part of an education system. It covers all trainings conducted in the company, be it retraining of existing staff, standard training for new employees, on-the-job training, or training of apprentices and interns.
Source: Standard for In-Company Trainers in ASEAN Countries, Effective In-Company Vocational Training in the Mekong region, cited in TESDA Circular No. 089, s. 2021
In-Company Training / Enterprise Training Programs

refers to technical vocational skills training programs customized and conducted by a company for its own workforce who can be new hires or existing workers. This also includes pre-employment training programs conducted to determine the fitness of a job applicant to the available positions in the company. The training can be done within the company or in partnership with a TVET institutions. This include TESDA-registered and TESDA-monitored programs conducted by farm schools and enterprises. This definition does not cover training programs under the Apprenticeship Program, Learnership Program, Dual Training System, and Supervised Industry Learning.

Source: Memorandum No. 332, s. 2024
In-Demand Occupations
job vacancies posted recurrently by establishments and industries that have high turnover or replacement rate.
Source: DOLE
In-House Programs
programs organized/implemented/conducted by the TESDA Development Institute (TDI) and the National TVET Trainers Academy (NTTA) for TESDA trainers.
Source: Memorandum No. 209, s. of 2020, TESDA-OP-AS-01
In-Plant Training
the portion of a DTS Program where trainees receive practical learning that may be integrated in the regular work system of an establishment whenever and wherever possible. Guided by a training plan that is mutually accepted by the TVET provider-partners, the time allotted for this learning phase shall be at least sixty percent (60%) of the total duration of the DTS program concerned.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 054 s. 2019
In-School Training
the portion of a DTS Program where trainees receive technology-based theoretical instruction in a lecture area and hands-on exercises in a laboratory and/or a workshop within the premises of a TVI.
Source: Amended Implementing Rules and Regulations of the DTS Act of 1994 (RA No. 7686)
In-Service Industry Work Experience
the industry work experience acquired during employment as a TVET trainer gained through the different modalities/training.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 33 s. 2017
refers to monetary or non-monetary motivation or privilege given to an official or employee for contributions, suggestions, inventions, ideas, satisfactory accomplishments, or demonstration of exemplary behavior based on agreed performance standards and norms of behavior.
Source: TESDA Circular No. 010, s. 2020
Inclusive Business
is a private sector approach to providing goods, services, and livelihoods on a commercially viable basis, either at scale or scalable, to people at the base of the pyramid by making them part of the value chain of companies’ core business as suppliers, distributors, retailers, or customers.
Source: World Bank
Inclusive Growth
economic growth that not only focuses on attaining the highest value possible but also ensures that it has a positive impact on the most vulnerable aspects of society (i.e. the poor, the unemployed, etc.).
Source: UNDP

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