TESDA PaMaMariSan Training and Assessment Center (TPTAC)

Address: Rm. 304, 3rd floor, NTTA Bldg., MPC Compound, Mayor Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena, Marikina City
Phone #: 8570-9893 / 7728-8871

Tech-Voc Course Offerred
Driving NC II 152 hours LESTER E. OLANO
Mobile Phones and Handheld Gadgets Servicing NC III 672 hours RONALD B. RACELIS
Trainers Methodology Level I (Trainer/Assessor) 264 hours JOSEPH A. LADIA
Bookkeeping NC III 438 hours Joseph A. Ladia
Facilitate e-Learning Sessions 56 hours ARRISH C. ALTAVANO
Entrepreneurship Level IV 99 hours Christian Joseph C. Aguilar