April 13, 2022
TESDA Provincial Office – Aklan has commenced its Driving NC II program to the uniformed personnel trainees of Aklan Police Provincial Office in Camp Pastor Martelino, New Buswang, Kalibo on April 8.
The Driving NC II program is part of the signed Memorandum of Agreement between TESDA and the Philippine National Police (PNP).
A welcome ceremony was held for the seventy-three trainees who are also beneficiaries of the Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP). They came from different PNP-approved training centers such as the Provincial Training Center-Aklan, Adolphus International and Technical Institute; and Ibajay Academy. The ceremony was led by TESDA - Aklan Provincial Director Esther Babalo and Deputy Provincial Director for Administration- PNP Aklan P/ LtCol. Alvin Balio. A Training Induction Program (TIP) was also held where Senior TESD Specialist Mark Anthony Dolinog explained the responsibilities and benefits of being a TWSP scholar.
PD Babalo has lauded the TESDA-PNP partnership, saying acquiring competencies on proper driving will definitely help their police force to properly enforce their duties.
For more information, contact:
TESDA Provincial Office - AKLAN
Telephone Number: (036) 268-8516
Telefax Number: (036) 500-7608
Email: region6.aklan@tesda.gov.ph
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