26 July 2015

Turning grief into strength, the brother of one of the fallen Special Action Force (SAF) men availed of the scholarship assistance offered by the government and is now a certified technical-vocational (tech-voc) training graduate.

Joel Inocencio, brother of the late SPO1 Lover Inocencio, recently received the National Certificate after completing the training and passing the assessment on Heavy Equipment Operator-Wheel Loader NC II.

The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) offered scholarships for any qualified dependents of the troops based on the government's Social Services Program for the Families of Killed in Action (KIA) Soldiers and Police Personnel.

The scholarships were part of the package of assistance given by the government to the families of the 44 SAF men killed in battle in Mamasapano town in Maguindanao last January 25.

"It feels good to see how tech-voc helped families of the fallen SAF 44 pick up the pieces and carry on," TESDA Director General Joel Villanueva said.

"The skills learned as a specialista will take him to places of employment," he added.

Inocencio is presently working as a foreman at the Ruin Construction in San Francisco, Agusan del Sur.

Interviewed by TESDA-Caraga, Inocencio said he would use the skills acquired from his tech-voc course to have a steady source of income to help his family and that of his brother.

Inocencio said that when he learned about the TESDA scholarship for the dependents of the SAF men, he went to the regional office to inquire.  After completing the requirements, TESDA-Caraga regional director Florencio Sunico awarded the scholarship commitment to him and scheduled his training at the Butuan Manpower Training Center.

He received a scholarship slot under the Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP). 

Availing TESDA's scholarship, Joel Inocencio, brother of one of the fallen Special Action Force men, SPO1 Lover Inocencio, is now a certified tech-voc specialist.  The scholarship was part of the assistance given by the government to the families of the SAF men killed in clash in Maguindanao on January 25.