29 March 2011
Television host and actress Kris Aquino is all fired up about learning and has found the right partner in the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) in spreading the liking among the members of her household.

Kris’s househelp of eight years took up a course in sewing last year and will be one of the 1,500 technical-vocational graduates who will undergo an assessment on Wednesday in TESDA to be a Certified Filipino Worker (Sertipikadong Pinoy).

Kris, youngest sister of President Benigno Aquino III, and TESDA Director General Joel Villanueva opened the NATCAC week or the National Technical-Vocational Education and Training Competency Assessment and Certification Week on Monday at the TESDA complex in Taguig City.

Kris represented the President, who was in Malacanang for a Cabinet meeting.

“I want to congratulate Secretary Joel because this is the first time TESDA will hold a week-long assessment and certification. …I have high regards for graduates of technical and vocational courses,” she said.

“What is important is that you are able to get a decent job to feed your families because in such a way, you are helping the nation too,” she said.

In recognition of TESDA graduates, Kris promised to allot a segment of her popular game show The Price is Right for them.

“It’s time we give recognition to our Certified Filipino Workers,” she said.

Villanueva said TESDA organized the event for the skilled workers, graduates of technical-vocational courses, and for overseas Filipino workers (OFW) who have been displaced by the recent conflicts or natural disasters abroad

“It’s not enough that we finish the course, what is more important is we undergo continuous assessment to show that we are specialists in our respective fields because of the quality of our work, efficient and adeptness,” he said.

"This certificate will be your seal of excellence here and abroad," Villanueva said.

Villanueva said TESDA will continue to provide quality education to aspiring graduates to help them land in good jobs.

There have been success stories from all corners of the globe narrating how technical vocational graduates have excelled in their respective fields, said the TESDA chief.

“We have thousands of stories. We have a baker, who now owns a bakeshop, a TESDA Speacialist. Another TESDA Specialist is a cook in a small eatery, who is now a chef in a cruise ship in the Bahamas. Today, we will produce more specialists who will carry the country’s name wherever they go,” he said.