13 Feb 2011

On Valentine’s day, the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) employees will celebrate the day of love by planting trees to help in the fight against climate change.

TESDA Director General Joel Villanueva said employees will take the day of Hearts as an opportunity to show their love for the environment during the tree planting activity dubbed "A Date with Nature," on February 14 until the 28th.
“As part of our commitment to help save the environment brought about by the potential future effects of the global climate change, TESDA will launch a nationwide tree planting program to be participated by all employees,” Villanueva said.

The campaign will be conducted after the flag-raising ceremonies in all TESDA offices all over the country.

Villanueva stressed that the tree planting activity will be a sustainable program and not a one-time session as he urge all TESDA employees to stand up for Mother Earth and make environment preservation their important advocacy.

“Although the tree planting activity is only limited to a certain period of time, the program will continue until a cleaner and greener TESDA environment is maintained," he said.

"Each employee is requested to plant a tree not necessarily in TESDA compound/office but also in their respective available areas within their communities,” Villanueva said.

2009’s Typhoon Ondoy, which killed hundreds of Filipinos and triggered massive flooding in Manila, was said to be an effect of climate change, according to data by the United Nations.

Trees play an important role in absorbing greenhouse gases that cause global warming and planting trees, Villanueva stressed, is a small but practical step to combat what is probably the key challenge of the 21st century.

To ensure the tree planting program’s success, Villanueva directed all TESDA offices to identify areas to be covered by the campaign in coordination with the Department of Environment and Natural Resourcdes (DENR) in their respective regions where available seedlings and other appropriate and alternate saplings will be obtained.

Villanueva also ordered regional and provincial directors including TTI administers to lead in the tree planting session and likewise,directed the Central Office through the Regional Coordination Office (RCO) to report and document the employees’ participation at the event.

Meanwhile, the Office of the Chief of Services for Administration (OCSA) was tasked to monitor the tree planting activity in the Central Office.