17  July 2015

The plumber, baker, construction worker, call center agent, masseur, household service worker, and other skilled professionals.
As the Philippines celebrated World Youth Skills Day on July 15, the skilled workers were put in the limelight as a showcase of the value of their craft and to generate greater awareness on the importance of technical vocational education and training in the local and global economies.
"The Technical Education and Skill Development Authority (TESDA) is very proud to be part of the global recognition and promotion of the World Youth Skills Day," TESDA Director General Joel Villanueva said.
"Skills keep the world moving.  They are the driving force of companies, industries and the economy as a whole," he said.
During its General Assembly in November 2014, the United Nations (UN) declared July 15 as World Youth Skills Day.  It was initiated in the UN by Sri Lanka, which stressed the importance of youth skills development among the member nations.
The UN General Assembly called on member states lead government agencies, educational, volunteering and public institutions to organize different activities that can help young people overcome obstacles in their skills improvement and employment.
The international body hopes that putting focus on youth skills development will contribute to reducing unemployment among the youth across the globe.
As the prime agency tasked to promote tech-voc, Villanueva said that TESDA has steered many young Filipinos to get into skills training as an avenue towards sustainable employment.
Since July 2010, when Villanueva took the helm of the agency, the number of tech-voc graduates has reached  a total of 7.2 million.
Resources have also been poured in by the Aquino administration to ensure the success of TESDA programs.  Close to P8 billion has been allotted for one of TESDA's centerpiece program, Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP).
"Investing in the youth through the learning for work scheme has proven to be the right track.  With relevant skills, they can drive progress and sustainable future not only in the country but across the globe," Villanueva said.