MANILA, Philippines – Because of the high demand for jobs in the fields of jewelry making, land surveying and barbering here and abroad, the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) has approved new training regulations for at least eight courses in these fields.

According to TESDA Director General Joel Villanueva, the TESDA Board promulgated a new roster of training regulations for Land Surveying NC II, Land Surveying NC III, Electric Power Distribution Line Construction NC II, Trainers Qualification Level I, Trainers Qualification Level II, Jewelry Making (fine jewelry) NC II, Jewelry Making NCII and Barbering NC II after consultations with industry partners.

“So in consultation with our industry partners, we have identified and approved the new roster of training regulations that could offer more job opportunities and give tech-voc students wider career options to choose from,” he said.

Among the criteria that TESDA used in approving the new training courses include identifying the priority needs of a sector as endorsed by its industry partners and the nationwide application in terms of employment generation and investment opportunities.

Villanueva said that the field of land surveying is an unfamiliar terrain to some people in the Philippines but it is actually one of the in-demand jobs in other countries. “Young people also took note of how interesting and exciting training in land surveying could be,” he explained.

He added that for Land Surveying NC II, students will be taught how to locate and lay out positional information and determine land boundaries that require various types of land surveys. Students for Land Surveying NC III will be trained to conduct land surveys for determining boundary lines and re-tracing public land survey corners.

Those interested in taking training for the Electric Power Distribution Construction NC II will be trained how to erect distribution line poles, climb pole and install pole assembly, conductors, line equipment and devices as well as install consumer service connection facility. Line construction includes construction/extension of new distribution lines.

“Because quality technical vocational education and training will also need capable trainers, the TESDA Board approved training regulations for TVET trainers who will perform the job of teaching and assessing the students,” he said.