TECHNICAL Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) chief Joel
Villanueva has cited certified public accountants (CPAs) for their significant
role as “watchdogs” of government coffers.

In the recent Central Office-Regional Office Financial Reconciliation/Workshop,
Villanueva encouraged TESDA CPAs to strive further in ascertaining that
government office disbursements are officially permitted.

He pointed out that “disallowances” in the review and assessment of government
funds by the Commission on Audit (COA) should ultimately be avoided.

“The principal work of CPAs is to make sure that all your office disbursements
are legal.  That’s why if the COA finds any disallowances in the government
office funds, it can only mean that you did not diligently fulfill your job as
our first and foremost watchdog,” Villanueva said.

“In my view, if only our CPAs do their jobs well in every government office, we
will avoid discrepancies and disallowances and naturally, the image of the
government before the public will improve,” he added.

Villanueva reminded participants of the workshop that they pledged to serve the
country by truthfully and genuinely giving utmost value to the
people’s money as
well as public assets and denounce corruption.

He likewise noted that CPAs are usually among those held accountable for graft
and corruption cases since they are among the signatories of disbursement

“That’s why I hail those CPAs who stand their ground and resist signing dubious
disbursement vouchers in certain transactions and would rather resign than sign
such document,” Villanueva said.

He then urged TESDA CPAs to not hesitate to come and report to him any doubtful
transactions in the agency and assured them of his action.

“So from now on, we will discourage calling reconciliation conferences.  But we
will provide recognition to the accountants whose books of accounts are in
order.  We will network with your Resident Auditors to find out your
problems if
you do not tell me, or the OCSA Director,” Villanueva said.

“We will probably use the money saved by not calling reconciliation conference
to provide incentives to the deserving CPAs in cash or in kind in line with the
TESDA-PRAISE and require explanations to those with problematic books of
accounts,” he also said.#