by People's Journal

THE Technical Education and Skills Development Authority is investigating eight schools in Luzon as it declared war against technical vocational institutions operating below standards.

TESDA Director General Joel Villanueva on Wednesday said after a compliance audit, six schools were found to be not complying with TESDA standards while programs in two schools are under closure proceedings for not complying with the Unified TVET Program and Accreditation System standards or requirements.

Villanueva declined to identify the schools pending the conclusion of their analysis and assessment.

But the six schools facing compliance audit have been offering various courses in Information Technology, Electronics, Automotives, Cosmetology, and Shielded Metal Arc Welding while the programs under closure proceedings in the two schools include Deck Seafaring NC II and Security Services NC I and NC II, he said.

Villanueva said TESDA received complaints against the schools, one saying that a school has been allegedly offering IT courses without the required permit from TESDA.

Four other schools, he said, were accused of offering courses such as Computer Hardware Servicing NC II and Computer Programming NC IV that have yet to migrate from No Training Regulations to With Training Regulations.

These schools are likewise said to have trainors that are deemed “unqualified” because they do not possess the National Certificate and are not TESDA certified trainors and assessors.

Another school, Villanueva said, is offering courses like Electronics, Automotives, Cosmetology, and SMAW without TESDA registration.