26 June 2014

As the construction and other infrastructure building activities in the country flourish, the demand for skilled workers remain high.

Ensuring a steady pool of qualified, globally-competitive and job-ready workforce for the construction industry drove the partnership between the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) and industry associations such as the Association of Carriers and Equipment Lessors (ACEL) and Cebu Contractors Association (CCA).

Under a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with ACEL, TESDA will provide a scholarship fund of P4.23 million to be used to train existing workers in the industry and for pre-employment training and re-tooling of incoming workers in the construction-related sector.

TESDA, on the other hand, pledged P3.465 million for the training under its MoA with CCA. 

The training fund will be sourced from TESDA's Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP).

"Construction of buildings, condominiums and other infrastructure continue to pick up, and there's no sign that the activities are slowing down," Secretary Joel Villanueva, TESDA Director General, said.

"We should act on this opportunity promptly while the favorable condition exists by arming workers with the skills needed by the industry," he added.

TESDA and its partner associations target a 70 percent employment rate of the graduates within six months to one year from their graduation. The ACEL and CCA will tap their respective member companies to provide the training, using TESDA's existing training regulations.

In addition to this, the ACEL and CCA commit to establish and maintain a Training Development Fund, which will be used for future training of existing workers, pre-employment and re-tooling of incoming workers in the construction sector, and for the promotion of training programs.

To boost TESDA's apprenticeship program, the ACEL and CCA through their member companies are encouraged to accept students who will do hands-on training in their operations.

The agreement was signed by Villanueva for TESDA and ACEL president Lito Garcia. The deal with CCA was signed by its president, Peter Paul Dy Jr.

As lead organizations in the construction industry, both the ACEL and CCA have established their reputation and capability to help their member companies develop the latter’s manpower pool through strategic tie-ups with schools, institutions and government.

Secretary Joel Villanueva inks an agreement with Lito Garcia, president of the Association of Carriers and Equipment Lessors (ACEL) for the grant of P4.30 million worth of training for Works Scholarship Program fund to train existing workers in the industry and for pre-employment and re-tooling of incoming workers in the construction-related sector. Witnessing the signing are TESDA Deputy Director General Irene Isaac, ACEL Sr. VP Mr. Sixto Benedicto and other TESDA and ACEL officials.