07 April 2014

Well -trained and primed to get the gold, technical-vocational (tech-voc) graduates and trainees began competing as the Philippine National Skills Competition (PNSC) gets underway.

On April 7, simultaneous opening ceremonies were held in three venues in Pasig City, Batangas and Pampanga.

The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) organizes the annual competition as a platform for showcasing  the skills of tech-voc graduates and trainees in various trade areas.

This year, a total of 128 competitors joined the skills contest, which will run for one week.

The gold winners in the competition will participate in this year's ASEAN Skills Competition to be held in Vietnam in October.

"Skills competitions are a way of showcasing the best among our skilled workforce and at the same time promoting tech-voc among our youth," said Secretary Joel Villanueva, TESDA director general, who attended the opening ceremony in Pampanga.

The competitors surpassed the rigors at the regional level before earning a slot to participate at the national contest. Before the event, they went through rigid training to ensure proficiency and speed in doing their assigned tasks.

At the regional skills competition, each participant was given a test package that contained instructions on the required output to be completed within a given time. A jury panel rated the competitors based on a given criteria.

Winners were awarded gold, silver or bronze depending on the number of points earned. A winner must meet the 500-point criteria as prescribed in the standard.

Villanueva urged the competitors to give their best and set their sights for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Skills Competition.

"Remember that the whole nation is watching, and when they get to the ASEAN Skills Competition, the international community would be their audience, including potential employers," he said.

"The competition paves the way for the career path of our trainees and graduates," he added.

The trade areas open for the competition are the following: Automobile Technology; Beauty Therapy; Cooking; Electrical Installation; Electronics; Fashion Technology; Graphic Design Technology; Hairdressing; IT Network Systems Administration; IT Software Solution for Business; Mechanical Engineering Design-CAD; Mechatronics; Refrigeration and Air conditioning; Restaurant Servicing; Web Design; Welding.

The simultaneous opening ceremonies were held at the MFI-Foundation, Ortigas Avenue, Pasig City sponsored by TESDA-NCR; Special Action Center of Pampanga, Government Center, Barangay Maimpis, San Fernando, Pampanga sponsored by TESDA-Region III; and at the TESDA Regional Training Center, P. Herrera St., Batangas City sponsored by TESDA-Region IV -A.

The awarding ceremony is scheduled on Friday, April 11, 2014 from 2 to 5 p.m. at the TESDA Central Office in Taguig City.