2 March 2014

The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) has announced that more than 4,200 jobs are waiting for female workers in Dubai.

The job orders from Placewell International Services are mainly for female workers with certified specialization on electrical installation and maintenance, plumbing, and refrigeration and air-conditioning, Secretary Joel Villanueva, TESDA Director General, said.

Villanueva said the hiring of certified workers would be until 2016.

Senator Alan Peter Cayetano also helped in the coordination between TESDA and the manpower firm.

"Placewell believes that TESDA-certified female workers are highly qualified to work in maintenance facilities of Dubai government institutions like hospitals, universities, and banks," Villanueva said.

"Placewell said that the salary range for the qualifications I mentioned is between 600-800 US dollars per month," he added.

Speaking at the 2014 TESDA National Directorate and Provincial Directors Conference, Villanueva challenged the agency's executives to ensure that TESDA's training programs "pave the road to employment."

He introduced the acronym TRABAHO that he said captured this role: Training, Re-Accelerating Access, and Boosting A High-impact Opportunity to every Filipino.

"TRABAHO is the most important agenda for TESDA this 2014 and beyond. TESDA should be into employment generation this time. Believe me, you have the power to generate employment. So use that power," Villanueva told the executives.

The TESDA chief said that training, along with assessment and certification, should be at the forefront of the agency's services where it should make a significant impact.

To date, he said that TESDA has 246 Training Regulations; more than 20,000 registered programs; a network of around 4,500 training institutions; and 170,000 registered users in its TESDA Online Program.

"We are happy with our accomplishments, but if we're not reaching enough Filipinos, and we're not reaching them on time, this has to change. Hence, we should re-accelerate access in our programs," he said.