16 January 2014

Seven out of 10 youth, who are beneficiaries of the Cash for Training Program (C4TP), have either found employment or have started their own livelihood.

The C4TP, a joint initiative of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) and the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), had a total of 61,114 graduates in the first year of their project in 2013.

Of this, 39,518 or 65 percent are now salaried employees or are self-employed.

"The C4TP has been an access point for young people to acquire basic skills. These skills are based on what employers are looking for and those that will equip them to jump-start their own business," Secretary Joel Villanueva, TESDA director general said.

C4TP targeted the disadvantaged youth by giving them free training and helping them find work.

DWSD poured in P1.3 billion for the program, while TESDA, through its 123 administered schools and training centers and partner public and private tech-voc institutions, conducted the skills training and provided post-training assistance to the beneficiaries.

The beneficiaries were selected nationwide, with each of the 17 regions having between 3,000 to 4,600 scholars. The total target was 65,730 individuals.

A total of 64,282 were enrolled or 97.8 percent of the target. Of those enrolled, 95 percent or 61,114 completed their training.

Among the popular courses taken by the trainees were Computer Hardware Servicing; Auto Servicing/ Driving; Shielded Metal Arc Welding; Housekeeping; Food and Beverage Services; Commercial Cooking; and Electrical Installation and Maintenance.

"Many young people are stuck in a situation in which they cannot get a job because they lack training. Meanwhile, they cannot get the necessary skills training because they don't have the resources to avail of one," Villanueva said.

"TESDA initiatives in linkage with other government agencies, such as the Cash for Training Program, help the youth get out of this situation and push them to be productive members of society," he added.

C4TP had two components in its implementation: training for wage employment and training for self-employment. The DSWD took charge of selecting and profiling the youth qualified as beneficiaries.

Each received a scholarship voucher for free training and competency assessment, allowance for transportation expenses during the training, and a tool kit and livelihood assistance for those who were under the training for self-employment category.

Scholars who were categorized under the training for wage employment underwent training, and after graduation were assisted through job bridging activities to help match their skills with the specific job demand in the market.