28 November 2013

Technical vocational graduates at the Calabarzon region are competing head to head at the 2013 Regional Skills Competition for slots at the national finals.

The four-day event is aimed at tapping the new champions, who will represent the region at the Philippine National Skills Competition that will have competitors from all over the country.

It will also showcase and recognize the work excellence of young skilled workers in a competitive setting, and promote cooperation between and among technical vocational education institutions, the private sector and various local government units in raising the level of tech-voc among the youth.

The event kicked off on November 25, followed by a formal opening program on November 26, which was attended by Secretary Joel Villanueva, TESDA director general.

Metro Manila and CARAGA region also held their respective Regional Skills Competition while other regions are preparing to host their own.

"The competitions at the regional level are rigid, which means that those who will make it at the national finals are the best and the brightest," Villanueva said.

"It is our hope that this quest to make it to the Philippine National Skills Competition, and eventually to the ASEAN Skills Competition will become the dream of every tech-voc graduate all over the country and their participation will inspire others to discover their fullest potentials in their field of expertise," he added.

Calabarzon is one of the country's centers of manufacturing, e-services and logistics, and serves as the urban, industrial expansion area of Metro Manila. It is composed of Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal and Quezon provinces.

The region is one of the country's top producers of skilled workers, and has actively taken part in the previous skills competitions.

For this year, the graduates competed in the following trade areas: Ref and aircon repair; Welding; Web Design; Beauty Therapy; Cooking; Fashion Technology; Graphics Design; Hairdressing; IT Networking; IT Software Solution; Restaurant Services; Cabinet Making; Electronics; Joinery (woodworking); Mechanical CAD; Mechatronics; Plumbing; and, Automotive Technology.

"This competition is imbued with dignity and reverence for our graduates and their trainers who compete to show the world how talented and competent the Filipinos are," Villanueva said.