19 October 2013

Bangladesh continues to rely on the Philippines as among the training hubs for sharpening the knowledge and managerial capabilities of its technical-vocational experts.

A fresh batch of 22 Training Managers and Master Trainers recently completed a two-week Advanced Professional Development Program on Competency-Based Training and Assessment specially designed for this group.

The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), working with Bangladesh International Labor Organization (ILO), hosted the training aimed at providing opportunity for professional development to people delivering technical vocational education and training (TVET).

"TESDA is honored to showcase its best TVET methods and practices to its neighbor countries," Secretary Joel Villanueva, director general of the agency, said.

A successful TVET implementation, according to Villanueva, is highly dependent on the knowledge and skills of the trainers and instructors. It is critical to have trainers that are competent and abreast on the changing needs of the TVET sector.

The program, which was held from October 7 to 18 at the TESDA Women's Center, covered sit-down discussions and workshops on various topics and visits to training and assessment institutions.

The participants were given a glimpse of the operation of Vocational Training Institutions and Competency Assessment Centers so as to understand competency-based training and assessment, and the potential role of being an assessment center for application in Bangladesh TVET institutions.  The training also became an opportunity for sharing and learning of assessment strategies and resources.

It also built relationship and networks with the view of establishing a "buddy" support system between the host and the visiting country on TVET system.

The discussions centered on the following: conducting training needs analysis; designing competency-based training curriculum; planning training sessions; developing session plan and competency-based learning materials; facilitating competency-based training; supervising work-based learning; developing competency assessment tools; conducting competency assessment; and facilitating development of competency standards.

The 22 Training Managers and Master Trainers who participated in the training are experts in their field who have completed the Competency-Based Training and Assessment for over five programs in Bangladesh. Most of the participants have finished diploma in engineering degree, after 10 years of schooling in different trades.  They have been teaching in technical training center for years.

Among the participants were two program officers of the ILO Office in Bangladesh.

Bangladesh has been sending TVET trainers and experts in the country for a series of study tours.