09 October 2013

Before they pack their bags for work, Filipino workers headed for Taiwan will be given the opportunity to learn the Mandarin language and culture through short training courses.

The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) and the Manila Economic and Cultural Office (MECO) recently agreed to work together to help Taiwan-bound Filipino workers adapt to their new environment and be more effective workers.

"Knowing the language and culture of the host country will not only complement the skills set of Filipinos, but give them an edge in the workplace," Secretary Joel Villanueva, TESDA director general, said.

Under the memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed by TESDA and MECO, both parties will develop competency-based curriculum and competency-based learning materials for the workplace-based Mandarin language and culture training programs. This will be done upon the authority to be issued by the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office (TECO).

TESDA will circulate the standards for Mandarin language and culture, which will be the basis of registration and delivery of the program by both public and private tech-voc. institutions.  The agency is currently offering the program in its Language Skills Institute.

MECO, on the other hand, will make available its existing scholarship program to dependents of workers still working in Taiwan and to former Taiwan-based workers for tech-voc courses.

According to the Department of Labor and Employment, more than 80,000 Filipinos are in Taiwan-- majority of them are working in factories while a number work as caretakers of old people.

"The Mandarin language and culture offers sweet prospect for our workers.  We know it's becoming the language to master. It will give the Filipinos the competitive advantage in the workplace," Villanueva said.

The MOU was signed by Villanueva for TESDA and Amadeo Perez Jr., MECO chairman and chief executive officer on Wednesday (October 9, 2013) at the TESDA Complex in Taguig City.