14 June 2013

At least six out of 10 (62 percent) graduates of technical vocational education and training (TVET) courses land in jobs within six months to one year after their graduation, the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) said.
The result was based on a recent impact evaluation conducted by TESDA on its graduates, who have obtained their respective national certificates after undergoing assessment.
"TVET graduates are sitting in a sweet spot as many of them get hired immediately after graduation," Secretary Joel Villanueva, TESDA director general said.
"It's a testament that TESDA is on the right track of gearing its programs and services towards helping students obtain the in-demand skills and helping them find employment or start their own business," Villanueva added.
The TESDA chief said the agency offers courses that were designed based on the skills priorities identified by the industry and developed together with industry practitioners.
"This is a guarantee that students come out of the training program possessing the competencies fit to the industry requirements.  This way, they have better chances of landing in jobs within a short period of job search," Villanueva said.
Through the Training for Work Scholarhsip Program (TWSP), TESDA is also continuously working with industry associations in priority sectors in the training of workers that they would need, such as in the Information Communication Technology-Business Process Outsourcing; Electronics; Tourism; Health and Wellness; Agriculture and Agri-business; and General Infrastructure/Construction.
After completing their course, TVET graduates are linked by TESDA to companies for potential employment through the Jobs Bridging Events held all over the country.  Then there's the TESDA Specialista Technopreneurhsip Program that provides intervention to help graduatesbecome self-employed.
According to Villanueva, TESDA will integrate entrepreneurship as an elective core competency in its training regulations within the next few months. This is expected to give the trainees the option to start their own business and help in generating employment not only for themselves but also for their families and communities.
TESDA and its technology institutes will also design strategic interventions aimed at improving the skills and productivity of farmers and other agricultural workers throughout the country.
"Technical vocational education and training could just offer the best chance at a solid career to graduates, and the savior against the rising unemployment," Villanueva said.