06 June 2013

Individuals and organizations, who have made strides in promoting and strengthening technical vocational education and training (TVET) in the country, will get due recognition from the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA).

Secretary Joel Villanueva, TESDA director general, announced that nominations are now open for the TESDA Idol and the Kabalikat Award for 2013.

The “Kabalikat Award” gives due recognition to the agency's outstanding partners in the promotion and enhancement of TVET. It is conferred to outstanding institutions, private firms and companies, local government units and legislative partners because of their good practices and contribution in the promotion and development of Filipino skilled workers.

The “Idols ng TESDA” will be conferred to graduates of various TVET courses, who are gainfully employed either as wage workers or are managing their own businesses and have contributed to the socio-economic improvements in their respective communities.

A special award, “TESDA Best! Batang TESDA” will also be given to a graduate, who has attained skills excellence and success even at a young age.

"These various awards recognize individuals, organizations or companies in our communities that have put a stake on technical vocational education, and made lives better for many," Villanueva said.

Nominees for TESDA Idols must be 21 to 40 years old, graduate of any TVET course, and who are either self-employed or wage-employed.

"TESDA Idol nominees should be the epitome of hardworking individuals, who became successful in their own endeavor after finishing a TVET programs," Villanueva said.

Success stories of these graduates, he said, are being used by the agency as advocacy materials in attracting the youth and the unemployed adults toward promising careers in the skilled occupations.

For the “Kabalikat Award,” the following categories were established for nominations:

Institutional Partner. This includes TESDA’s partners from the private schools/training institutions, training centers, non-government organizations/institutions that employ good practices in the promotion and enhancement of TVET through the conduct of regular tracer study of graduates, meeting market-based performance standard, proper incentives, labor market research, and public-private partnership among others.

Industry Partner. These TESDA partners may be an industry association or individual private and public establishment/firm/company that adhered to good practices in the promotion and enhancement of TVET.

Local Government Unit Partner. This may be a municipality/city or provincial unit, and other related government offices which provided exemplary support and cooperation with TESDA in various TVET activities translated to programs/ projects related to workforce development such as training and assessment scholarships; donations; provision of technical assistance in the TESDA Provincial or Regional Technical Education and Skills Development Committees; skills competition; and standards/curriculum development, etc.

Legislative Partner. This category includes the office of a congressman or senator which provided exemplary support to and cooperation with TESDA in various activities that lead to the improvement of TVET in the country.
Submission of nominations and documentary requirements for the two awards is now on-going in the TESDA Provincial/District Offices. The winners will receive their award in August during the anniversary celebration of TESDA.