28 May 2013

The seal of quality management and customer satisfaction earlier bestowed on the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) has been expanded and now covers 26 processes of the agency.

TESDA is now also a holder of the esteemed ISO 9001:2008 Certification for Development of Training Regulations, Development of Competency-based Curriculum Exemplars, and Development of Competency-based Assessment Tools.

The TUV SUD PSB Philippines, the third party Certification Body, has also expanded the ISO Certification of TESDA for Program Registration, Assessment and Certification and Support Services to now cover 28 more regional and provincial offices in the National Capital Region and Regions I, IV-A, VII and XI. With this new certification, TESDA has already covered 51 sites in eight regions in its quality journey.

In February 2012, TESDA received the ISO Certification for Program Registration, Assessment and Certification and Support Services for its central headquarters and Regions III, VIII and the Cordillera Autonomous Region.

"It was a proud moment to learn that more of our programs are being recognized by an esteemed body for the quality management system that we have put place.  Having ISO Certification is a competitive advantage, it ups the ante of TESDA," Secretary Joel Villanueva, TESDA director general, said.

Villanueva, together with other executives of the agency, received the certification on May 28 from Femelyn Lati, deputy general manager of TUV SUD PSB Philippines.

The Certification Body conducted the audit for the three processes from March 15 to April 17 this year.

Earlier, the agency hired the the services of the same third party Certification Body to do the certification audit and subsequent surveillance audit of the first set of processes for three years or up to 2015.

Villanueva said he hopes TESDA will receive ISO Certification for its other processes and all offices, assuring that it will not stop working towards this goal. 

"The ISO Certification bandwagon is rolling along TESDA's programs, but we will not leave out the other pieces for continuous improvement and pursuing our objectives like setting tougher goals towards training the youth and our own trainers, strengthening links with the private and public sector, helping our graduates find employment or livelihood, and being innovative in spreading our services," the TESDA chief added.