25 March 2013

As the country's prime agency for technical vocational education and training (TVET), the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) continues to make a mark as training hub for vocational executives as well.

Last March 23, eight TVET officials from Bangladesh finished a two-week course on competency-based curriculum development and better delivery of TVET.

The Training Program for Bangladesh Competency-Based Training and Assessment Implementer, which started last March 11, was part of a series of training and fellowship for tech-voc executives of Bangladesh, one of ASEAN member countries that sought TESDA's assistance in the improvement of their TVET system..

"TESDA is now being known not only for the training of students in technical vocational education, but also for being a training hub for trainers and managers from our Asian neighbors," Secretary Joel Villanueva, TESDA director general, said.
"It's an accomplishment for TESDA to help shape the future of technical vocational education and training in the region," Villanueva said.

The training program consisted of lectures and workshops on the various programs and processes in TESDA and actual observation of how these are being implemented in the country.

It focused on competency standards development, curriculum development, management of information system, development of assessment tools, and competency-based training delivery.

The eight-person delegation came from the Directorate of Technical Education and Bangladesh Technical Education Board.

The training program was a follow-up activity of the visit of a separate team of trainers and institutional managers last year.

"Slowly, the TESDA system has been catching the eye of other countries. We will continue to improve, so we will not fail them," Villanueva said.