25 February 2013

The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority took the spotlight at the gathering of industry leaders when it was awarded with the Partner of the Industry Award by the Semiconductor and Electronics Industries in the Philippines Inc. (SEIPI).

Secretary Joel Villanueva, TESDA director general, received the recognition during the 111th General Membership Meeting and Partner of the Industry Awards (PIA) Night of SEIPI over the weekend.

The event, dubbed A SEIPI Affair to Remember, was attended by chief executive officers, presidents, managing directors, general managers and other top-level officials of the semiconductor and electronics industry in the country.

"The TESDA family, its scholars and trainers, and its partner training institutions are grateful for the Partner of the Industry Award.  The best badge of excellence that can be bestowed on TESDA is one coming from an institution such as SEIPI that genuinely knows us because we work hand-in-hand with them in most of the programs and activities of TESDA from standards development up to assessment and certification of our graduates," Villanueva said.

"We hope the award can draw more companies and industry associations to partner with us and, on the other hand, more youth to get into skills training. We know that the economy relies on a quality workforce to sustain their continuous growth," he added.

The PIA is an annual industry ceremony that acknowledges individuals or institutions that have supported and contributed in the development of the semiconductor and electronics industry in the country.

SEIPI said it is optimistic that 2013 will be a better year for the Philippine economy because of the good economic fundamentals and opportunities from investors expected to do business in the country.

TESDA and SEIPI have worked in the past for the training and retooling of worker in the semiconductor and electronics industry to equip them with new skills that the companies require. In January last year, TESDA infused P50 million worth of scholarship vouchers for the training of 9,295 beneficiaries, including engineers and technicians.

"As we hone the skills of our people, SEIPI matches this by helping build a better business environment," Villanueva said.

"TESDA values SEIPI as a partner and wish to thank the organization for its contribution to the promotion of technical vocational education and training.  We look forward to continuing our successful partnership this year and the years ahead," he added.