09 December 2012

The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) will remain an agency that is corruption-free, Secretary Joel Villanueva vowed on Sunday (December 9) as the world celebrates the day of anti-corruption.

“We will continue to be one of the showcase agencies untainted by corruption, this I can guarantee while I sit at its helm,” Villanueva, TESDA Director General, said.

In the years to come, Villanueva said transactions in the agency such as bidding for suppliers would remain transparent and open to public scrutiny, data on its scholars and funding would be open and information about its programs would easily be accessible to the people.

“We are open for public scrutiny 24 hours a day,” he said.

TESDA was among the agencies that did its house-cleaning when the Aquino administration assumed office in 2010.

It examined existing programs, looked into the budget, halted anomalous contracts, and institutionalized mechanisms towards a transparent operation.

In May last year, upon the President’s instructions, TESDA made an audit of its scholarship program and uncovered millions of unfunded scholarships.

“The problem of corruption calls for immediate action and prosecution of those found violating our laws,”Villanueva said.

“To do this, government agencies have to be at the forefront of the crusade, in line with the Aquino administration’s battle cry of tuwid na daan (straight path) to address the problem of poverty” he said.

Before his appointment to TESDA, Villanueva served for three term in the House of Representatives as representative of the Citizens Battle Against Corruption (CIBAC).

CIBAC is an organization focused on education and informing the people about corruption and providing an agency that would both hear and address their concerns.

President Benigno Aquino III earlier declared every December 9 as National Anti-Corruption Day.

The date is in keeping with an earlier declaration made by the General Assembly of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC).

Manila is a signatory to the UNCAC, according to the President.