25 October 2012

Even behind bars, some 300 inmates from various jails in Metro Manila will get the chance to gain formal training to prepare them for jobs when they get out.

The scholarship project is under the Bilib I.T. program of the office of Senator Alan Peter Cayetano, which partnered with the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) and Informatics to give the inmates a chance at education.

“There’s a future for our inmates beyond the prison walls.  With this training, they would be coming out of jail with marketable skills,” Secretary Joel Villanueva, TESDA Director General, said.

Cayetano’s office and TESDA provided funds for the training, assessment and certification of the graduates.

Informatics will take charge of the delivery of the training that would focus on computer-related courses and a Finishing Course for Call Center Agents.  Among the courses available are on IT Essentials, Computer Hardware Servicing, Adobe Photoshop, Web Design and English

On-site training sessions would be held at Camp Bagong Diwa in Taguig City, Metro Manila District Jail, Quezon City Jail Annex, Taguig Jail (for male and female), and the Manila City Jail Annex.

The inmates to be included in the program would be selected by the office of Cayetano.  Trainings would be held from 9 a.m. to 12 noon at designated dates, to be determined by the body to be formed to monitor the program.

“We want the inmates to be committed to finish the training and be certified.  We don’t want them back in jail.  We want them to return to being citizens who have a meaning in life,” Villanueva said.

In July this year, TESDA also trained several inmates, who provided a total of 600 of their colleagues to free haircut and other grooming services at the New Bilibid Prisons and the Correctional Institute for Women.