09 August 2012

Bloggers are being enjoined to write about technical-vocational education and win prizes.
The blogging contest recently launched by the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) will accept entries from bloggers, who can write a 300 to 500-word piece in English, Filipino, or combination of both language focused on the theme “Sa TESDA, May Choice Ka.”
The contest is among the activities for the 18th year anniversary of TESDA that will be celebrated from August 22 to 24.
“We want to even popularize TESDA and the services it offers.  Through the blogs, we want to go viral,” Secretary Joel Villanueva, TESDA Director General, said.
Villanueva acknowledged the importance of tapping the internet for the agency’s social marketing and advocacy campaign because of its popularity, especially among the youth.
“We hope we can increase TESDA’s presence in the internet and draw the public’s attention to our efforts,” he said.
Blogs can generate readership, increase engagement of readers and build a community that will talk about technical-vocational education, the TESDA chief said.
Blogbasics.com defines blog as a frequently updated online personal diary or journal.  It is a venue to express oneself to the world, a place where one shares his own thoughts and passions.  Blog is one’s own website, a short form of weblog.
There will be one grand winner, who will receive P5,000, and three other winners who will receive P3,000 each for the blog that will be selected as the viewers’ choice, most informative, and most creative.  The awarding ceremony is scheduled on August 24.  The winning pieces will be posted at the TESDA website and other relevant websites.
Participating bloggers must at least have three entries prior to the contest piece. All contest entries must first be uploaded at the contestant’s blog site and the link to this entry must be emailed to tesdablogcontest18@gmail.com, along with an accomplished application form which can be downloaded from the TESDA website (www.tesda.gov.ph).
Entries will be accepted only from 8:00 a.m. on August 8, 2012 until 5:00 p.m. of August15, 2012.
TESDA will notify the blogger if his post was considered an official entry to the contest. Upon notification, the contestant is directed to indicate in his website that his post has been considered an official entry.
Entries would be posted at the TESDA Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/TESDAOfficial) to invite the public to “Like” or “Share” the link.   
The number of “Likes” or “Shares” a particular post will earn will be part of the criteria for judging.  However, only the number of “Likes” or “Shares” a particular post earns on the TESDA Facebook page shall be considered for judging.  “Likes” or “Shares” registered on the contestant’s personal pages shall not be considered.
The blog post must be original.  It may include pictures or other multimedia content, but should not have links to other websites.
The winning entries will be judged according to content/relevance (30%), viewers/readers choice (30%), organization (20%), and craftsmanship and style (20%).