July 27, 2023

The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) continues to collaborate with other countries to ensure that the tech-voc sector of the country is at par with international standards.

Last July 13, TESDA Secretary Suharto Mangudadatu paid a courtesy visit to Japanese Embassy Economic Minister Nihei Daisuke at the Embassy of Japan in the Philippines in Pasay City to explore various opportunities for collaboration and exchange between TESDA and Japan in the technical vocational education and training (TVET) sector.

During the meeting, Secretary Suharto Mangudadatu expressed his gratitude to the Japanese government for their continued assistance to TESDA that have led to globally competitive Filipino tech-voc graduates and skilled workers.

“TESDA welcomes the opportunity for stronger bilateral partnerships with the Japanese government to advance TVET in the country and to help Filipinos prepare for jobs here and abroad,” the TESDA chief said.

Among the areas for possible collaboration is the development of Training Regulations for Japanese language training, as this is one of the Secretary’s directives since there remains high demand for Nihongo-speaking workers.

TESDA likewise offered several of its facilities for the conduct of training programs under the Japan Philippine Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA), a suggestion which will be taken into consideration by the Japanese Embassy.

At the same time, Secretary Mangudadatu also expressly thanked Minister Daisuke for the support given by the Japanese government through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) towards the achievement of peace and development in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM).

It can be recalled that TESDA and Japan has been collaborating on various tech-voc programs. The TESDA Women’s Center, one of the agency’s specialized training centers, was established with the help of the Japanese.

Likewise, most of the trainers of the different qualifications in the TWC were also trained abroad to further develop their skills and knowledge in their fields in close coordination with the JICA.

Further, TESDA, through the National Language Skills Center (NLSC), has also been collaborating with the Japanese government for its language skills training program.

Currently, the NLSC offers Japanese Language and Culture (150 hours), and Japanese Language and Culture Level II (300 hours) which are useful in taking the N4 and N5 of the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT).

Also present during the meeting at the Japanese Embassy were TESDA Deputy Director General Aniceto Bertiz III and Executive Director David Bungallon, as well as other embassy officials.

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