October 13, 2021
The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) in Abra conducted a blended Training Induction Program (TIP) for 125 scholars in four different qualifications.
The scholars are under the Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP) of TESDA. Twenty five scholars enrolled in Driving NC II, 25 in Contact Tracing Level II, 25 farmer-scholars in Agricultural Crops Production NC II and 50 scholars for Tile Setting NC II. The trainees also received PHP160 daily allowance, PHP500 internet allowance, PHP500 for Health - PPE allowance and a one-year accident insurance.
The classes were simultaneously held physically and online where students can attend sessions via Zoom or the face-to-face lectures held at the Provincial Training Center. The classes also included a discussion on Drug Prevention Education led by Jasper Bangisan of the Philippine Red Cross-Abra Chapter.
The trainings were held on different schedules to ensure the safety of both trainers and participants. The Driving NCII started on September 28 and will end on October 18 while the Contact Tracing level II started on September 29 and ends on October 15. The Tile Setting began on September 29 and ends on October 19, and the Agricultural Crops Production NCII commenced on September 28 and will end on November 3.
The TWSP is TESDA’s response to the critical skills shortages in the identified priority sectors in the locality. It also aims to fill up the skills gap and job requirements of industries and sectors with high employment demand in certain areas.
For more information, contact:
TESDA-Cordillera Administrative Region
Mobile Numbers: 0949-9912364/ 0956-8512731
Email: car.rod@tesda.gov.ph>
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