April 15, 2019
In a bid to improve services to the public, Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) Director General Secretary Isidro Lapeña has signed new agency rules reducing the process time of some of the agency’s frontline services.
TESDA Circular No. 18, Series of 2019 titled “Revised Process Cycle Time for Registration and Assessment and Certification” was issued last February 19 and is effective immediately. TESDA Circular No. 18 A, Series of 2019 or the “Amendment and Clarification on the Revised Process Cycle Time (PCT) for Assessment and Certification” was issued on April 8 and will be effective on July 1.
The said rulings have significantly reduced the number of days allotted to process specific activities of the Agency. This initiative is also in accordance with the Republic Act No. 11032, otherwise known as The Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Delivery of Government Services Act of 2018, which provides for the government agencies to counter “ineffective or detrimental” regulations that results into “slow, suboptimal, and undesirable social outcomes.”
TESDA Circular No. 18, Series of 2019 has cut the process cycle time for Program Registration to eleven (11) working days from the previous twenty (20) working days. The process will start with the receiving of application documents and end with the granting of the Certificate of TVET Program Registration (CTPR) to the applicant institution.
This new process time will increase the productivity of the regional and provincial offices in processing program registration, assessment, and certification.
To ensure effectivity of the PCT, the Technical-Vocational Institutions (TVIs) should be keen in the requirements for program registration. They should also make sure they have the complete facilities, tools, and equipment as specified in the Training Regulations before the submission of application to avoid delay in the processing of the program registration. TESDA, in turn will continue to provide orientation and develop and make trainers available to support the programs being registered.
Meanwhile, the PCT for Assessment and Certification of trainees who completed their training will now only take seven (7) working days instead of fourteen (14) working days before, as provided for in the TESDA Circular No. 18 A. From encoding the profile of the candidates for graduation in the TESDA Training Management Information System (the agency's online records database) to the issuance of the National Certificate (NC), the process time is now reduced so that graduates can get their NCs faster. It will also start once the Assessment and Certification Infrastructure has an available assessor and complete number of assessees (usually ten).
The amended circular also requires the immediate assignment of certificate numbers to the candidates, also through the T2MIS. This enables candidates to check the progress of their application for Certification through a revised Tracking Sheet that will be updated and submitted to the Certification Office every 5th of the succeeding month for monitoring. TESDA stands by delivering fast and effective service for everyone as reflected by the current slogan of the Agency, “TESDA Abot Lahat.”
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