05 December 2011

Some 1,300 youth and workers are set to embark on a specializedtraining within the next three years to prepare them to become certifiedtelecommunications technicians.

The training is part of the undertaking initiated by the Technical Educationand Skills Development Authority (TESDA) and Philippine Long Distance TelephoneCompany (PLDT), which recently joined forces to boost the strength of theworkforce of the sector.

"The tie-up is very timely as it comes at the time TESDA is expanding itsreach by offering practical, relevant courses, aimed to benefit more workers inthe telecommunications industry," TESDA Director General Joel Villanuevasaid, as he signed the memorandum of agreement with PLDT's president and chiefexecutive officer Napoleon Nazareno.

Villanueva said the training aims to add more qualified workers in PLDT's poolof workforce and at the same time upgrade the capabilities of its existingtechnicians.

The three-year agreement dubbed the National Project on Enhancing Productivityand Improving Telecommunications Services Delivery Through Skills Developmentis expected to benefit 250 trainees this year, and at least 500 each for 2012and 2013.

The project will focus on two courses namely, Telecommunications OSP (OutsidePlant) and Subscriber Line Installation NC II and Telecommunications OSPInstallation NC II. The Training Regulations for these two qualifications haverecently been promulgated by the TESDA Board with the direct participation ofpractitioners from the telecommunication industry.

Under the agreement, PLDT will conduct the training in its facilities whileTESDA will administer the competency assessment to the graduates and certifythose who will pass. Also part of the agreement is for PLDT to provide thevenue for immersion and other technical training for TESDA trainers.

"The task of keeping our phone lines and wireless networks clear is tough,that's why we need to continuously hone the skills of our technicians to makeproblem-solving a snap," Villanueva said.

With its potentials for growth, he said investments for skills development forthe telecommunications sector should be a priority.

"Investments should not only be for infrastructures, but in developingquality technicians, which will help boost the economy and improve people'slives," Villanueva said.