24 September 2011

Technical vocational education experts from Saudi Arabia are in the country to buck up their training skills the Filipino way.

Twenty trainers from the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC) have started a 12-week skills and trainers training from September 12 to December 2, 2011.

The training is covered under a technical cooperation agreement signed in July this year where the TVTC and the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) committed to upgrade the competencies of their respective trainers and provide a venue for them to exchange ideas.

TESDA Director General Joel Villanueva said it is important for Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) experts to go back to the drawing board, upgrade their existing skills, or learn new technologies, which will later help them in the training of vocational students.

“We are pleased to work with the Saudi government in upgrading the skills of their TVET trainers. Honing their skills to become quality trainers is one way to ensure that they will also be producing quality graduates,” Villanueva said.

Now on its sixth straight year, the project has now produced a total of 338 competent TVET trainers, deans, principals and administrators from the Middle East country.

Those who have completed the course took training in various technology areas such as food processing, multi-media, computer networks, video production, photography, refrigeration and air-condition repair and total quality management in TVET.

This year, 10 automotive trainers will be trained in Training Methodology Level I while equipping them with the core competencies of Automotive Servicing NCII, Electronic Ignition Systems, Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) System, Troubleshooting Automotive Engine Systems and Automatic Transmission Systems. The MFI technology has been tapped to provide the training.

Meanwhile, 10 other trainers will undergo training in Training Methodology Level I and in the core competencies covered under Consumer Electronics Servicing NC II such as Maintaining Cellular Phone Failures, Fiber Optics, Logic Circuits and LCD TV Repair.

They will train for 30 hours per week at the TESDA Center in Taguig City.

“The partnership serves as model of good practice that may be rolled out to other countries. This is also expected to provide opportunities or exchanges and collaboration, which will afford a better understanding of important TVET reform agenda among countries and develop sustainable relationships in emerging markets,” Villanueva said.