June 29, 2016 

Believing that institution partners can play a key role in closing the gap between the needs of industries and the skills of graduates, the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority-National Capital Region (TESDA-NCR) gathered together school heads and business leaders to discuss how best to scale up the work readiness of technical vocational graduates through industry-academe linkage.
The TESDA-NCR TVET (Technical Vocational Education and Training) Summit 2016 focused its discussions on the challenges for the 21st century skills; K to 12 program and its implications to the TVET sector and the presentation of developed curricula for diploma programs in information technology and tourism.
“With a rapidly changing economy comes the imperative to equip tech-voc graduates with higher learning and advanced skills needed in the work environment,” TESDA Director General Irene Isaac said.
The summit gathered on June 28 in Ortigas, Quezon City around 300 people composed of officers and school owners of institutions offering TVET, partner industries that put premium to their workers who are TVET graduates or TESDA Certified, and other partner government and non- government agencies who have been strategic partners of TESDA NCR.
With the thrust, “Accelerating Work Readiness of TVET Graduates Through Industry Linkages,” the participants echoed the common interest in making TVET a viable career option for every Filipino.
They drew up strategic practices and recommendations for planning, development and implementation in their respective tech-voc institutions on how best to strengthen and promote TVET in the country.
Isaac underscored the need for continuous collaboration with tech-voc institutions and industries to get their involvement in curriculum development and quality assurance.
“The tech-voc institutions should know the needs of industries for skills requirements to ensure that our graduates are relevant,” she said.
“TVET has hurdled the stigma of being considered a second-class in the country and has been proven to be a key driver for competitiveness globally.  We need to sustain this through our collaboration,” Isaac added. 
Senator-elect Joel Villanueva, former TESDA Director General, who graced the occasion as the guest of honor, said the big growth strides that TESDA has made in providing technical vocational education and training and leading graduates to the path of work happened because the private sector, specifically tech-voc institutions and businesses, provided a helping hand.
"The collaboration between TESDA and the private sector helped fill the skills gaps and job requirements of priority industries and sectors and improved the reach of quality tech-voc training to the grassroots," he said.
It also encouraged tech-voc institutions to offer programs in higher qualifications catering to in-demand industry requirements, he added.
"Our vision is to train people, lead them to employment, raise their incomes and eventually make them part of a strong middle class," Villanueva said.