23 May 2016
Recognizing their key role in making economic growth more inclusive, the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) has trained its sights on enhancing opportunities for Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).
TESDA Director General Irene Isaac announced the issuance of a resolution that would focus on prioritizing in-company trainers’ methodology to equip MSMEs the capacity to train their own workers.
“Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) serve as the backbone of the Philippine economy,” she said.
The training for in-company trainers was proposed by representatives of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) during a consultation-meeting with TESDA and technical vocational institutions.
“One of the strategic plans for developing MSMEs is through promoting entrepreneurship and human capital development, and in consideration of the need to address their skills requirements for productivity and competitiveness,” Isaac said.
“There is a need for TESDA to align with such strategy, by expanding and enhancing the participation of private sector and industry in demand-oriented workforce development,” she added.
The proposed standard is geared towards a target group of supervisors or team leaders in the production and service industry, who will have the responsibility to train apprentices (under Dual Training System programs and apprenticeships); students (K to 12 TechVoc Track immersion); and, other trainees in their company.
TESDA will adapt the German model of dual vocational education system, and will receive financial assistance from the German Cooperation Agencies i.e. GIZ, Sequa, GPCCI etc. in establishing the trainer standard;
The Philippines, through TESDA, is currently involved in the project for “Effective In-Company Vocational Training in the Mekong Region” to develop a standard and quality assurance system for the in-company trainer in the region.
The standard recommended to be adopted by ASEAN countries will respond to the region’s intensifying skilled-labor shortage by creating real public-private partners, introducing efficient measures, and creating a universal standard for quality-assured training, Isaac said.
The MSMEs serve as the backbone of the Philippine economy, a critical driver for the country’s economic growth and plays a vital role not only in wealth creation but also in dispersing new industries to the countryside and stimulating gainful employment.
In 2012, the MSMEs constitute 99.6% of the total number of business establishments in the country and contribute 65% of the total jobs generated from these businesses during the same period.
One of the key concerns of MSMEs is low productivity and competitiveness, attributed mainly to lack of access to new technology, weak technological capabilities, and failure to engage in innovation and research and development activities as well as inadequate knowledge, skill, and innovation among the workers.