02 August 2011

Bus drivers of a leading transport firm will get first-hand mentoring from the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) on safety behind the wheels.

A memorandum of agreement was signed between TESDA and Genesis Transport Service Inc. to produce a new generation of public utility drivers who will not only strictly abide by the rules on the road, but who will practice the skills of safety and worry-free driving.

The MOA tasks TESDA to facilitate training to the drivers of the bus firm and later on assess their skills to determine if they can be given national certification.

In turn, Genesis will provide the training supplies and the venue for the assessment of their drivers, which would include the written tests and hands-on driving examination. It will also shoulder the fees for the services of the trainers and assessors.

“It is said the toughest place to be a driver is in the Philippines. The situation why it is a jungle out there on the road is caused by the drivers themselves. Our solution is to retrain them so they will transform from being king of the roads to king of safety driving,” Villanueva said.

TESDA beefed up its initiative in giving road safety training to public utility vehicle drivers early in the year following a spate of road accidents in Metro Manila and in the provinces that have claimed dozens of lives.

Data of government transportation agencies have attributed the accidents to drivers’ error.

TESDA has also tapped women drivers by giving them training, assessment and certification to equip them to be better drivers than their male counterparts.

“Our drivers may be skilled but one equally important aspect they sometimes forget is the discipline and safety of their passengers.

“We are aware of the pressures to earn more, but all these would be put to waste when accidents strike because of their fault,” Villanueva said.

Villanueva called on the other bus companies to avail of the assistance offered by TESDA in the training, assessment and certification of drivers.

“Passengers will make it their choice to patronize bus companies whose drivers have been assessed and certified by TESDA. In the long run, it’s also a plus factor for bus companies to take the TESDA training offer as an option,” he added.

Under the memorandum, Genesis also committed to help in promoting TESDA’s various programs by carrying their signages such stickers and painted posters in its fleets.

The bus firm also pledged to donate two units of buses to TESDA, when able.