27 May 2011

Stepping up efforts to train drivers of  public utility vehicles (PUV), the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) has partnered with a transport firm to assist in the competency and safety education of its trainers nationwide.

TESDA recently inked a memorandum of agreement with the H.M. Transportation Inc. (HMTI), which operates JAM Liner, to undertake the Trainers Training Program to boost its ongoing initiative of assessing the skills and giving certification to PUV drivers.

TESDA took action of ensuring that PUV drivers follow safety travel measures when plying the road in the wake of vehicular accidents traced to recklessness of drivers.

By 2012, TESDA aims to issue certification (Driving NC III) to all PUV drivers nationwide.

Under the memorandum, TESDA and HMTI agreed to work together to enhance the capabilities of trainers in educating PUV drivers through seminars-workshop and practical tests.

TESDA Director General Joel Villanueva and HMTI president Martelino Jose Mercado signed the memorandum.

"We need to enhance the capability of our trainers to make them more effective in making bus, truck and jeepney driver understand and follow safety measures while on the road," Villanueva said.

"We cannot afford another accident just because of the recklessness of our drivers," he added.

TESDA will provide a total of P67,800 to cover for the training supplies and materials. It will also take care of the training venue and other necessary materials for the theoretical component of the training.

The agency will also identify the participants of the program for the course.

Trainers will come from HMTI. The company also agreed to provide two bus units with gasoline for the actual driving lessons, which will be held in tracks identified by the firm.

Both parties will sign the training certificates after the completion of the course.

HMTI has long been a partner of TESDA in the development of Competency Standards for Compressed Natural Gas fueled buses in a project it undertook with the Department of Energy.

Villanueva said tapping the services of one of the major players in the transportation industry will give boost to TESDA's program of helping produce more skilled and responsible drivers.