TO GIVE MEANING TO HIS ADVOCACY 'SA TESDA, MAY CHOICE KA,' SECRETARY JOE VILLANUEVA SPEARHEADED the TESDA Career Fair as part of the agency's 19th year anniversary celebrations. The event gathered more than 500 high school students and teachers from different secondary schools all over the National Capital Region (NCR). The career fair showcased skills demonstrations of selected TESDA courses which the students appreciated and would give them more options in choosing a career path after high school. Skills featured in the fair and the corresponding partners were:
1. Animation – Animation Council of the Philippines Inc. (ACPI)
2. Bartending – GO TEC International Business School, Inc.
3. Barista - WCU Development and Training Center, Inc.
4. Fashion Design – School of Fashion and the Arts ( SOFA)
5. Mechatronics - Jacobo Z. Gonzales School of Arts and Trades
6. Bread and Pastry - Jacobo Z. Gonzales School of Arts and Trades
7. Carpentry – Jacobo Z. Gonzales School of Arts and Trades
8. Vegetable & Fruit Carving - Concepcion Vocational School
9. Robotics – Alexan Commercial
10. Industrial Automation – Microcontrol Design Technology, Inc.
11. Vermiculture/Vermicomposting – BARFARM Agro Ventures
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